Join the community to give food to children

We sincerely THANK YOU for anything you choose to give. It is through your generosity that we are able to implement the impact in their lives.

Our Values

  • INTEGRITY: We exercise the highest ethical standards in all decisions and actions.
  • TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY: We are open and honest in everything we do.
  • OPTIMISM: In the face of adversity, we focus on the positive difference we can make.
  • RESOURCEFULNESS: We look for innovative ways to minimize our costs and maximize our effectiveness and impact.
  • PARTNERSHIP: We work collaboratively with our local and international partners.

Our Events

Community Outreach

We weekly go out into the community and bring food, medicine, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are unable to come to us. We also invite children and families eat and fellowship.

Empowering Christians & Leaders in Ministry

We host and engage in conferences to deepen the understanding of God and His plan to leaders. When we impact other leaders, we impact the community.

Children’s Activities

Our children immensely enjoy playtime activities as all do children do. They enjoy learning educationally and learning to work in agriculture to become self-sufficient.

Income Generating Projects

We use every opportunity to reinforce learning of activities that promote the well being of the children and developement the community.


We support children with school fees, uniforms and scholastic material which has made them have a brighter future.

Teaching Christianity

We move around our communities as we teach the people about the importance of being a Christian. Many have changed their lives and God has changed their lives.

Our Ministry